In 2018, my friend Cee and I were experiencing creative blocks. Both of us had large projects in process and we were both so into the weeds that no progress was being made on them. Creative paralysis had set in. As an exercise to help break this blockage, we got together to do something creative in one sitting, start to finish, to get things flowing again.

I had wanted to make a zine for a long time and never had, and Cee had a long history in the zine scene, way back to the days of trading zines with strangers they met via printed listings and catalogs. So we gathered at Cee’s studio and brainstormed the concept, format, and content for what we named Frequezine, all in one day, including running out to Office Max to make the photocopies.

We posted on our socials and gave away all 50 copies to anyone that would send in a S.A.S.E. (self addressed, stamped envelope). We had so much fun, we did it again. And again. And again. Four years later, we celebrated issue #50. Every issue is different in format, style, content. We don’t even know what it will be until we sit down to do it; still mostly in 1 sitting. We’ve grown, added a subscription model, and sometimes outsource the printing, but we remain true to our original goal of making something in 1 day, start to finish (mostly).

You can check out our work on the Frequenzine website, subscribe via Patreon ($4/mo. A STEAL!), or follow us on IG for issue announcements and you can still send in a S.A.S.E. for a free copy every month.